Incident Response in a modern SOC

From simple verifications to sophisticated analysis

Without properly scoping an attack, many Incident Response Analysts prematurely move to the containment, eradication, remediation, and recovery phases of incident response. This is often due to a lack of understanding of the connections between individual cyber events or incidents that form part of a larger attack campaign. The methodologies used by Incident Response Analysts in SOCs tend to focus on simple verifications rather than more sophisticated, comprehensive analysis.

IdoubleS enables Incident Response Analysts to effectively scope and analyze events and incidents by applying a robust methodology grounded in scientific rigor and the principles of intrusion analysis. Its features include cross-correlation of attacker events, identification of cohesive intrusion chains, successful attribution of attackers, and the discovery of previously unknown threats and threat actors. This integration of art and science enhances the accuracy and depth of incident investigations.

How you can benefit from IdoubleS while implementing the following cyber security frameworks or programs:

BaFIN VAIT/BAIT and Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

IdoubleS enhances Incident Response processes by shifting from basic verifications to advanced, in-depth analysis*