IdoubleS CTM

IdoubleS CTM (alpha features) is a sophisticated cybersecurity tool that enhances threat management through advanced Attack Path and Asset/System Modelling. It helps organizations identify and analyze relevant threat actors, scenarios, and critical systems, offering insights into both internal and external threats. By evaluating non-cyber influences using the PESTLE-M framework, the tool provides a comprehensive view of potential impacts. IdoubleS CTM generates detailed attack trees and dynamic kill chain graphs from threat intelligence reports, while its risk scoring and reporting features deliver actionable insights and early warnings to effectively mitigate risks.


Determine relevant threat actors and threat scenarios

As part of its comprehensive collection plan, Idoubles CTM precisely identifies the most relevant threat actors and scenarios tailored to your organization’s sector, brands, supply chain, and value chain. Our sophisticated Threat Assessment gathers and analyzes data on pertinent malware, tools, vulnerabilities, and environmental factors—using the PESTLE-M framework—to ensure a deep understanding of the threats impacting your organization. This actionable intelligence enables you to proactively address the most critical risks, keeping you ahead of evolving threats and ensuring your organization is fortified against potential attacks.

Know your Attack Surface

Idoubles CTM models your organization’s operational environment by identifying critical functions and their underlying systems to map out potential attack paths. By analyzing known vulnerabilities and common weaknesses, it calculates attack vectors and visualizes them through detailed attack trees. This comprehensive approach helps you understand how attackers could exploit specific entry points, providing you with the insight needed to strengthen defenses, mitigate risks, and most importantly, protect your crown jewels—the critical assets that are essential to your organization’s success and security.

Threat-centric Cyber Threat Modelling

Our AI-powered Cyber Threat Modeling module delivers a comprehensive view of relevant attacker capabilities by ingesting OSINT or commercial cyber threat intelligence. It automatically generates dynamic knowledge graphs from natural language text, offering multiple levels of abstraction to visualize the techniques and underlying procedures employed by attackers in various campaigns. This advanced approach enhances your ability to understand threat actor behavior, enabling your organization to proactively defend against evolving threats by identifying the critical tactics and strategies used in sophisticated attacks.

SIEM detection rules

By clustering common attack patterns within the knowledge graph, our system identifies relevant detection rules and automatically pushes them to your SIEM for real-time threat detection. This seamless integration ensures that your SIEM remains up-to-date with the latest threat intelligence, enabling faster and more accurate detection of malicious activity. The automated process not only reduces manual effort but also significantly decreases false-positive alerts, allowing your security team to focus on genuine threats. By enhancing detection accuracy, your team can respond more effectively to emerging threats and minimize the risk of undetected attacks.

Recommendations for pre-emptive defence

Our advanced alerting engine provides early warning notifications and actionable recommendations to reduce risks and enhance decision-making. By mapping current threat scenarios as knowledge graphs to your specific operational environment, the system prioritizes risks and offers immediate action plans. This ensures your security team is informed of the most critical threats, enabling faster actions and more efficient risk mitigation. With proactive alerts and clear recommendations, your security team is empowered to stay ahead of emerging threats and strengthen overall security posture.