Enable effective Threat Hunting

Hunt for threats based on Knowledge graph

Today, Threat Hunting Analysts are mostly lacking a big picture of the overall threat scenario they need to hunt for. In addition, inefficient hunt methodologies result in limited amount of clews on a relatively low level. Hence, the differentiation between true-positive findings from background noise and identifying the root cause of security incidents is extremely difficult to nearly impossible.

Leverage knowledge graphs to guide Threat Hunters and give them clues for effective Threat Hunting. By deploying IdoubleS, take advantage of automated hypotheses formulation and testing in context of a knowledge graph for a specific threat scenario. IdoubleS guides threat hunters in prioritizing the most important and likely pattern to search for and facilitates in immediately finding evidence of intrusion activity.

How you can benefit from IdoubleS while implementing the following cyber security frameworks or programs:

BaFIN VAIT/BAIT and Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

IdoubleS helps in optimizing intrusion analysis (threat hunting) *.