Defense Operations for Incident Response

Incident Response Analysts often rush into containment without fully understanding the connections between cyber events, leaving gaps in comprehending attack campaigns. IdoubleS equips analysts with advanced tools for comprehensive incident analysis, enabling cross-correlation of attacker events, cohesive intrusion chains, and more accurate attribution, leading to more effective and thorough investigations.


Many Incident Response Analysts often jump too quickly into containment, eradication, remediation, and recovery during an incident, due to a lack of understanding of the connections between various cyber events or incidents. This premature action stems from a reliance on basic verifications instead of comprehensive, sophisticated analysis, leaving gaps in understanding the full scope of an attack campaign.

IdoubleS addresses this challenge by equipping Incident Response Analysts with advanced capabilities for scoping and analysing incidents. Leveraging scientific rigor and principles of intrusion analysis, IdoubleS enables cross-correlation of attacker events, identification of cohesive intrusion chains, successful attribution, and the discovery of previously unknown threats and threat actors. This combination of in-depth analysis with real-time insights significantly improves the accuracy and effectiveness of incident investigations.

Service Types

Security Consulting Services

Security Consultant

Playbook Design, Incident Response Use Case Development

Our consultants design customized playbooks and develop Incident Response use cases tailored to your SOC's specific needs. We ensure that response processes are well-structured, moving beyond simple verification to a thorough analysis of complex attack campaigns.

Incident Response Analyst

Incident Response engagements

Our Incident Response Analysts provide hands-on support for active engagements, utilizing IdoubleS integrated with your SOAR platform to help scoping, analysing, and resolving incidents. By leveraging advanced threat intelligence and intrusion analysis techniques, we help your team make more informed decisions during critical phases of incident response.

Professional Services

Solution Architect

SOAR Integration

We offer expert integration services to seamlessly connect IdoubleS with your SOAR platform, enhancing your SOC’s automation capabilities. This integration allows for more efficient and scalable incident response, helping your organization respond to threats faster and with greater precision.


By integrating IdoubleS into your Incident Response operations, your SOC will benefit from enhanced detection, deeper analysis, and more efficient response to complex cyber threats, ultimately strengthening your overall defence capabilities.

Use Case 06

Incident Response in a modern SOC

From simple verifications to sophisticated analysis