Generate AI-empowered Cyber Threat Models

Automatically generate bespoke threat-, system- and asset-centric Cyber Threat Models from sophisticated cyber threat intelligence and your asset data.

Reduce false-positive alerts

Infer effective SIEM detection rules from automatically built knowledge graphs

Leverage Cyber Threat Models for effective Threat Hunting

Guide threat hunters in prioritizing the most important and likely pattern to search for and facilitate in finding evidence of intrusion activity

Why Choose Us

Increase to highest SOC maturity level

Today’s approaches in defence preparation and security operations are often siloed, lacking effective underlying end-to-end frameworks and methodologies covering the complete cyber defence process. Thus, organizations are breached. IdoubleS is a systemic cyber defence system that employs an end-to-end cyber defence methodology aligned with scientific rigor that integrates the art and science of intrusion analysis. IdoubleS helps you achieve the highest SOC maturity level and avoids breaches by containing security events before these turn into major incidents.

How it works

Generate Knowledge Graphs

Video animation content.

Our AI-powered Cyber Threat Modeling module ingests OSINT and commercial cyber intelligence to automatically generate dynamic knowledge graphs. These graphs provide multiple levels of abstraction to visualize attacker techniques and underlying procedures in various campaigns.

Use Cases

This section provides an overview of various use cases and their applications.

Use Case 01

Automated bespoke Cyber Threat Modelling

Generation of threat- and asset-centric models

Use Case 02

Reduce False-Positive SIEM Alerts

Infer detection rules derived from knowledge graphs on a tactical level

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